14 October 2011

National dish

It is well known that I have a tiny passion for food. Food is good and worth all the calories! :)

Over the years I have noticed that there is clearly one 'French' national dish which everybody loves, 
talks about and wants to eat over and over again.

It is not really a dish, but you can make one of it (add in fruits or speculoos or use it for crepes, 
cakes, etc...) and it is definitely not French, but there we are. 

We French people LOVE NUTELLA!

Be honest - how much do you really love Nutella? and what is your favourite dish?


  1. J'adore! je ne peux pas m'en passer! Xx Muse

  2. hahaha!Even italians love it!Just discovered your blog, it's inspiring and different!Love it.

  3. Mieux vaut tard que jamais, à un ou deux weekends près... Toutes ces petites discussions, especially celle-ci, je les aime mon Leeloox, et puis même si je viens visiter incognito, je viens régulièrement... Mais je tâcherai de laisser ma patte plus souvent et j'attends impatiemment une jolie missive dans ma letter box <3 Un Lutinoux
