20 April 2013

It's coming....

It's been a little while now that I have been hibernating and planning for my next move!
Very soon I will at last launch the brand new collection as well as a brand new website (and blog!) to go with it! Stay tuned! :)

09 April 2013

Electric love

Follow my blog with Bloglovin It strikes me how something so functional as an electric plug can in fact have so much personality. Clearly there were clever designs behind them who wanted to leave their mark on the world, and with it their feelings for that same world they live in!

Whereas I usually live in France and England where plugs are rather (very) un-emotive, I recently found that in other places, they are just part of the 'decorum'.

Take Copenhagen, where plugs are a happy smiley bunch and it turns it made me smile very day.

But in Montreal where I happen to be at the moment, plugs are just something else. It's a mixture of an unhappy person screaming for help, a Scream-like mask and a very angry person too. Clearly the designer behind them was a little distressed too.

17 March 2013

Head in the clouds...

For weeks and weeks, I have been wanting to do a little DIY, just something to keep me busy and make me smile, and I also wanted to buy a cushion that was shaped like a cloud... so last Friday I decided to home-make a cloud-shaped cushion!

and here it is :)

I am so so pleased with it, with its beautiful long eyelashes and its spotty back! I also made one of my brother and one for my sister but I still want to make a whole family just for me... so watch this space ;-)

I must admit it's really easy to make, here's how (in french though sorry, but there are pictures which describe it well)

10 March 2013

Travel of the mind #1

So I went to Berlin...

What I liked most? the little Ampelmanns of course... because they are witness and actors to so much history but also summarise the quirky side of the city very well.

And I went to Copenhagen... and I never wanted to leave again. Even the plugs are happy there :)

Have you been before?

PS: it's ironic that I have so much to show and share at the moment, so many images but I am working on a new much better blogging platform and I feel a shame to share it all with you now when Blogger sadly would not do it justice... so I'm afraid to say that you'll have to be patient for now!
Marie xo

25 February 2013

Food food food!

It is one of the truth of life that France is full of delicious foods. And coming back to it for longer than a short holiday will at last enable to me to re-acquiant myself with all things yummy!

 I am sure that before long there will be a complete library of all delicious things I have tasted on the blog!

Marie xo

19 February 2013

One photo, one memory #3

So recently something changed. I put all my belongings in storage and moved out of Leicester where I had been living for many years. I am now in France for a little while, doing a little bit of travelling, resting.

I'm hoping to be back in the UK by May and then we can have lots more giggles, and of course jewellery! Until then, do keep checking the blog or Facebook for updates and photos!

This is a photo of darling postcards I received before I left... which I took great care in taking with me because they mean so much.

Marie xo

06 February 2013

One photo, one memory #2

I love this photo so much!

It is my beloved rabbit lamp, with a bunny-fur collar, a Marilyn Monroe wig and a lacy eye mask for the perfect look, finished off with a few fairy lights effect... how fun!

Who ever said bunnies couldn't dress up?! :)

29 January 2013

One photo, one memory #1

It has been so long since I last blogged - I am honestly a little ashamed of myself! :(

I have spent a lot of time with friends and family (Christmas included), then planning some holidays, and now starting to pack away all my things. In lots of boxes, to move away, move on.

I just wanted to say hello, and leave you with a photo which I love: My friends and I (I am second from the left), all wearing my jewellery on the same day. It was not planned at all, but it put the biggest smile on my face, and made me all warm inside. <3

On this note, a little belated, I wish you all a very Happy New Year! May all your dreams be true and may every single day be filled with happiness and sparkles!

Marie x