24 August 2012

Nutella addict :)

There is no two ways about it, I am a Nutella addict! For the best (the yummy taste, the feeling of being a naughty child) and the worst (the hips getting bigger, tummy aches after eating too much of it)...

I recently bought a mini book which Nutella recipes... this was probably a mistake, as if I needed yet more excuses to have Nutella in the house!

It is Edition Marabout and at 3.50E, it is ridiculous cheap - I also have the Kiri one, because I am also a Kiri-addict ;-)

For now I tried a very simple recipe, Pain Perdu with Nutella! Super-yummy! 
Perfect for Sunday mornings...

20 August 2012

Monday blues

I post a lot of photos in Facebook and I thought that occasionally posting them
on my blog would be a good thing to allow all the busy bees 
amongst you to catch up in an easy and quick way. 
So here it is, enjoy! :)


18 August 2012

Wishlist #1

Because there are too many cute things out there and it is often hard to keep a mental list, here is my wish list of the moment: Not too much, and none of it very expensive, but all very me: chic with just a touch of quirk.:)

This Oh-so-cute jumper, La Redoute, currently at £17.50

07 August 2012

Birthday girl dreams...

And so it was my birthday. 27. Already.

Here is the photo of the day sent to me by a darling friend of mine:

and here is a photo of my birthday evening: one seriously broken heel, a glass of sake, (stolen - don't tell!), thoughtful gifts and a birthday cake, just for me!

I don't have too many friends, and only a handful of true friends, but wherever I go, however I feel, I know they are there. From close or afar, in words or thoughts, in silence or poetry. Always.

I have many plans for this year. After a few traumatic months, I am getting back, slowly but surely, to having control of my life. Of course the demons of the past always re-appear and make you give a tear or two on your birthday. This happy occasion which is suddenly overtaken by memories, and the soul becomes numb.

Whether I will carry on being where and how I am, or whether I want to go as far as possible and start all over, I am decided to make this 27th year the best fulfilling, the most challenging, the most daring, or simply the best, yet. One of those, or all of those. Who knows?!

So now is the waiting game, until it is time to announce the big plans. I am debating between telling the whole world so that there is no way out, no escape, and I have to do ahead with it, or whether I ought to wait until I am ready.

My head is already full of excitement, ideas, novelty, dreams, but still also fears, memories and a little panic too.

My last birthday in the UK - was it?! The debate is open. 
Suggestions of 'what' and 'where' are most welcome too.

03 August 2012

Tales of my trip to China #3

I know that in my first two posts, I did not write what the photos represented and why I liked them, but I think that this way, you tend to look a little deeper into them, and find something of interest to you. Why I like them is easy - because they remind me of another world, a world far far away, of opportunities. Eye-opening.

So for the third, and last, leg of my pictorial diary, I will do it a little differently, and in two parts. The first part will be some 'do not miss' things that you must look for if you go there. Those are what strikes me most and as a result, what I enjoyed most there. The second part is simply little delights that I bought when I was there, that have now become treasures of their own.

What not to miss:

  • Straw hats 
  • Bicycles
  • The metro
  • Shenzhen port
  • Views from the tallest building
  • Chinese ornaments and souvenirs
  • Clothes drying on balconies and in front of shops
  • The quietude of Chinese people
  • Traditional Chinese breakfast 

What to expect:

  • People wear mouth masks but there are no stigmas about it.
  • There are still people who fill up your car tank for you.
  • Chinese people are very keen on English football teams.
  • There are no rules on the road. 
  • Chinese food is not as you know it.
  • Shops and markets often look messy, with bulk packs and no display.
  • Every meal ends with sliced fruit (it is brought to you without even ordering it)

What I bought: