13 May 2012

Welcome back (giveaway inside!)

Yes I know, I have neglected you for a little while now... 
Being too busy should never ever be an excuse to neglect you, 
but unfortunately too much has happened in my private life in the last few months
that I simply had to take a little break from it all. 

However, as Noah and the Whale sings it so well: 
"Like a cut-down tree, I will rise again
And I'll be bigger and stronger than ever before"
Or so I hope anyway.

So here I am, back on track, with my jewellery and my lovelies.

And to make sure you forgive me 100%, I thought best to welcome you back with 
a little giveaway competition - or two! :)

So here goes...

Two competitions = two prizes!

There are two competitions, one on Facebook and one on Twitter
(and if you enter both, then you have twice as many choices to win!)

What are the prizes?

1. For Facebook: a necklace of your choice from the current collection
2. For Twitter: a pair of earrings of your choice from the current collection

How to enter? 

Nothing too difficult, no riddles or hard work, 
you just need to share your love for *Paris in a bottle*!

1. For Facebook: Simply 'like' the *Paris in a bottle* page and share it.
2. For Twitter: Simply follow @parisinabottle and RT any tweet which mentions the competition (or write your own) 

Hopefully it's very straight forward!

The competition is open to anybody in the UK, Europe, Canada and the USA. 
Closing on 30th May at midnight. 

Good luck!


  1. Ok go on twitter ! :)

  2. OK,j'en suis,il me faudrait des couleurs printanières et estivales.

  3. hello, thanks a lot !
    I like and I share (veronique J....)
    I play on twitter too !
    Have a beautiful day !

  4. bonjour !
    je joue avec plaisir !
    je suis fan sur fb : jero69006 relai : http://www.facebook.com/jero69006/posts/356356221097111

    je suis abonné twitter : jerome69006 relai : https://twitter.com/jerome69006/status/207504976996610051
    merci pour ce jeu
    mon mail : jero69006@free.fr

  5. Hello there ;) et merciii beaucoup for this giveaway !!! ravie de vous suivre sur facebook depuis un ptit moment (iwona szpak)et maintenant sur twitter (iwona46)
    here's my sharing with love ;)
    - http://www.facebook.com/Iwona46/posts/420706117963952
    - http://www.facebook.com/Iwona46/posts/323386587736560
    thanks a lot ;)
    see you ;)

    - contact : iwona.szpack(at)gmail.com

